Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Well. Something clicked yesterday for me. I got inspiration. Between the Boston tragedy, and the general restlessness I've been feeling, I got motivated to pick up the phone and call realtors that are involved with my dream spot for my business. For the first time, I got immediate response. I'm touring the space tomorrow. I am elated. And terrified.

Life is short. These days, everything seems bent on reminding me of this. I don't see the point in sitting on my ass, wishing for fairy tales and dreams to magically happen. With that one connection with the realtor, I am now more motivated than ever to get this in gear. Ideas on how to accomplish it have been flooding my brain with that one little victory. I've started getting in touch with people I believe can help me. I'm young, broke, and have never owned a bar in my life. But frankly? I haven't got time to worry about that bullshit. And if nothing else, I have almost 9 years of watching other people run places of varying success. I know I can do this. Keep following, guys- watch me get this done, and celebrate with me once my doors open! Cheers, and keep on running to whatever brings you joy!

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