Monday, April 1, 2013

Stone Soup Stock

Well! Solved my "free time" dilemma- picked up a second job today while I was enjoying the sunshine. By far the tiniest kitchen I've ever been hired to, but it'll be a nice, easy way to earn a smidge more cash. The place is a cigar lounge, so food isn't as important as it is in a lot of normal restaurants.

In other news, I made stone soup stock! Chefs swear by stock in a variety of different recipes, and I always pre-prep a lot and freeze it for later use. The trick with that is, I usually never have bones, or meat scraps, or anything that generally constitutes a good base for meat stocks. So, I make what I call stone soup stock- it's creation is based on the old story, and it's very simple:

• Open your fridge, pull out anything out that is about to 'turn', or go bad. Avoid starches like potatoes, rice, or pastas.
• Ask yourself, "is this a green? Is it supposed to be?"
• Throw it in a pot with as much water as you want stock. Make sure your ingredients are covered.
• Boil everything for an hour per gallon of water, then take it off the heat and let everything steep until it's all room temperature.
• Strain and save the liquid, throw out your leftovers. Boom, stock! Freeze it for later use.

It's only vaguely similar to stocks made in restaurants, but depending on what you throw in it, it'll give your home recipes really cool, unique flavors. The stock I made had kale in its production, so it's got this cool peppery aspect to it. Try different combinations of flavors, makes for great experimentation!

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