Thursday, December 14, 2017


"I came. I saw. I conquered." ~Jay-Z

It took me two years, but I can finally proudly say I have earned my Certified Sommelier pin from the Court of Sommeliers. I may have even earned my Wine & Spirits Education Trust Level 3, but I won't know that until early February. This is such an indescribable relief to me.

On the one hand, it means I can finally quit, if I'm truly tired of wine. This certification doesn't expire. There's no deadline telling me I *have* to complete it. I can totally abandon it, like I swore I did the first and second times I failed it.

But, on the other hand... I came back stronger than I ever have this time around. I not only passed, but I got the top honor amongst my fellow examinees. I actually felt mostly confident. I prepared, maybe not adequately, but to a degree where I know if I had put in even a bit more time, my passing threshold would have been higher. This journey, that was once so filled with spite, has turned into something else for me. I have a new career now, one that allows me plenty of study time. It's also reinforced how much I love educating others. I'm not the smartest person I know. There's always more to learn. But this one success? That is ultimately, so small comparatively? I can't settle. I need to be the grand poobah of smartypants know-it-all. Because ultimately, then I can pursue a career as an alcohol educator, and an effective restaurateur.

And for once? The idea of throwing obscene amounts of money at this pursuit doesn't seem fruitless. I made PROGRESS. And each small stepping stone, even if it takes me until 2025, will be worth it to be among the top of this field. I needed this win this week. This has reinvigorated me. The world can continue to fall to pieces, but I finally feel like I have a direction. Only took me a decade after high school, but what can you do? :-)