Friday, March 22, 2013

In Vino, Veritas

So I went to a wine tasting event today! Or yesterday, I suppose, as it's now after midnight. It's a huge trade show a local art museum sponsors every year, tied in with an auction. I was returning for my second year, as I fully intend to keep learning about wine even if I don't necessarily sell it anymore.

I spent the majority of the event hanging out with a friend of mine, Daniel- he's one of the few friends I have that has a similar appreciation for wine as I do. We were having a grand old time, venturing from booth to booth, and I happened to run into my old supervisors from the retail job. One I had expected awkward, stilted conversation with, and I wasn't disappointed. The other, however, was much colder to me than I had anticipated. We had been friends back in the day, or at least I thought so, and seeing him today he was far more brief with me than I expected.

Really, I could be completely over-analyzing the encounter. I have a habit of doing that. But it wouldn't be the first time I was treated differently by old friends because of my choice to take a paycut and get back into the kitchen. C'est la vie, I'll just let it be, and it'll all turn out in the end.

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