Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Connective Tissue

As I type this, I'm sitting watching Star Wars: A New Hope on VHS and drinking a beer that's gradually getting warmer. I smell like baking cake and fried chicken. It's been a good day.

I do a lot of things for odd reasons. For example, I only have this movie because I have a deep appreciation for nostalgia. I also happen to enjoy Star Wars, back when Han shot first. Memories, history- it all cycles around and makes me feel closer to people around me. Like today, I spent hours with a good friend of mine, baking a cake and making homemade fried buffalo tenders. We drank, reminisced, and made fantastic new memories over stupid YouTube videos. Hell, a big part of why I continue to cook is days like today- food gives me an excuse to invade people's lives for brief periods. I love cooking for my friends, and having theme parties that let me experiment with different menus rock my world. The cake I baked today is going to be for my birthday party on Sunday- it's sparkle themed. I can't wait to have all of my friends gather around, decked in all sorts of glitter and shiny shit, while we cook out and makes asses of ourselves in public. I'll have pics to share with y'all, promise! :)

...on a quasi-related note, WHY THE FUCK DON'T ATLANTA CULINARY SHOPS CARRY FONDANT?! I seriously called 7 different stores in this damn city before one of them was kind enough to tell me that Michael's, the CRAFT STORE, carried it. That is all kinds of fucking stupid, in my mind. Yeesh.

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