Tuesday, November 12, 2013


There is something to be said for intimidation in the restaurant industry.  It has the potential to be a dealbreaker,  or for the truly insane among us, a motivator. Whena person clearly has more knowledge than I do,  and who isn't afraid to let me know that he or she knows I'm full of shit and they aren't buying it, it rattles me. A lot. It doesn't happen often,  especially in the professional arena. So when it does? I take notice. Because much like cough syrup, after you get that first nasty bit out of the way, it helps you get better.
I have been looking for part time work to supplement my income recently.  Today I applied at an upscale wine bar. I am more than willing to admit, while I am a fan of wine and drink it fairly frequently,  I am by no means an expert. However,  I'm usually on point enough with other alcohol knowledge to deflect that. Nooooot today. Once I finished my application,  I was sat down for an initial interview.  And proceeded to mentally get smacked around by a professional. By the time all was said and done,  I felt like Robert Parker pushed me in the playground and kicked sand in my eyes.
But all in all? Worth it. I'm trailing there on Monday. It's not a guarantee of a job, but it is an opportunity I don't intend to waste!

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