Saturday, November 23, 2013

Working hard! (For once...)

So it occurred to me that I probably ought to use this blog not only as a venting space, but also as something of progressing joiurnal of the creation of my pub. I have read countless chef memoirs and books that make a vague mention of 'how hard' it is, and many chefs and owners I know personally will tell you straight up that it took them years to get up and running. However,  I have never talked to an entrepreneur who was able to reminisce and give me even the vaguest of timelines. Even myself, personally,  when I tell people I'm optimistic about opening in 2016, I get asked, "why are you waiting so long?"

Here's the reality- I'm not waiting.  This pub is the result of 4 years of brainstorming already,  I've just finally gotten to a place where I am mentally prepared to take the plunge and really, truly work on it. And it is WORK.

You may first wonder, why did it take you so long to brainstorm? Frankly,  when I first got the inclination to start a place, I only had the vaguest idea of what I wanted to do. It would have been like trying to build a house on a jell-o foundation,  and it would have failed miserably.  It took me time to gather new experiences,  try a variety of different bars and restaurants to find what I truly enjoyed, and really solidify my concept. Then came the paperwork part.

I despise paperwork.  Love writing, haaaaaate business-y official documentation.  It's boring. And doing research?  Blows. I spent 11 hours on Tuesday writing up the introduction to my business plan and researching potential menu items and formats. This week, I'm going to wind up spending another 11 hours copying recipes and costing them to start creating a mock budget. And that's still only maybe 1/8th of the plan. This is a massive headache,  but I keep telling myself it'll be worth it.  Atlanta needs my place.
Got this. :)

1 comment:

  1. You're absolutely right. That lack of prep is what contributes to the high fail rate. Keep doing what you're doing! My own goals for owning/operating are at a 10-15 year plan right now, because that's what I need to get the experiences, information, development and finances.
    I'm very proud of you! It will be worth it :)
