Thursday, November 27, 2014


I fucking called it.

No good comes from a position unintentionally given.

I found out tonight that the restaurant owners rehired not only their old chef back, but the entire old kitchen staff. All of whom walked out on them the first time around.

I am not about to play this game. I am so sick and tired of working for restaurants that are run by idiots. The few restaurants where I actually respected the management are all located in states I have no desire to live in, and frankly this is the last straw I had for cooking professionally.

I am staying long enough to find employment ANYWHERE else doing ANYTHING else. My knives are only coming out for people I actually like. I am too old to be bothering with this nonsense when I've seen enough places fail because of stupidity.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Mt. Everest

I am insane. That is the only explanation. Tomorrow is my last day at the brewpub I was farting around at, and Saturday is my first full day as "chef".


Full day.

As in, today being my first day off training, and knowing that we are losing a cook at the new job Sunday, I took it upon myself to make a first draft of the schedule for next week.

I also learned today that the restaurant owners are Nepalese Sherpas. That have climbed Everest. Twice.

You know what else I learned? In order for my schedule to be what any other businesses consider normal full time, I need 2 more cooks. Otherwise? I am looking at.... oh, 70+ hours a week. I'm scheduled to come in at 3 on Saturday. For us to be properly prepared? I am getting my ass in there at least at 1pm. Probably earlier. I will have to be Nepalese Sherpa strong for the next few weeks. Now, on the plus side, I will be making goddamn bank. But there is being prepared for something, and then being pummeled with reality. Can I do this? Absolutely. No problem. Without question. Will I be OK?

...Well, right now I'm just going to relish the serenity of this quiet night, and silently apologize to my body and liver for the hell it is about to endure.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Yes, Chef?

So I've found myself in the increasingly odd position of being hired as an executive chef for a sports bar. Made odder by the fact that the restaurant itself was advertising a line cook position on Craigslist (Two major red flags right there by any sane person's standards). On the one hand, I'm excited for the opportunity. Haven't done this before! On the other hand, I've read too much Anthony Bourdain. This can only end in tears. What am I thinking??? I know I am a solid line cook with a palate that has potential. But as for a full-blown, calling the shots chef? I can imagine it, maybe, when I hit my thirties. But right now I am a mid-twenties homeless ball o' nuts trying to sort myself out.

I took the job, of course, because I need to be able to survive California cost of living. Will this be a good thing? Eeeeeh... remains to be seen. Personally, I am uncharacteristically pessimistic about it. I've been in the industry too long and seen too many fuckups to kid myself. But at the same time, that goddamned little optimist in the back of my head that prevents me from being a total bitter cynic is rooting for a decent outcome. She's a bit of an idiot. It will be a learning experience, for sure. And after some of the "chefs" I've worked for? Well, I can't possibly fuck up *THAT* bad.