Thursday, December 19, 2013

Fixing Fixation

The best and worst advice I have ever received is, "The devil is in the details". The chef I worked for back when I started this blog hammered that idea into my head. When used appropriately?  Works splendidly.  However, I have been finding myself getting fixated on things that honestly need to wait, or that are less than important in the grand scheme of things.

When I started my business plan, I made a timeline for what I needed to accomplish in order to work on the next item on my agenda. I would dedicate one day a week to completeing a chunk, and be finished by early January. Week 1 went off without a hitch,  even got ahead of the game for week 2. Then week 2 came. The chunk I intended to complete was writing a menu and then costing out the recipes. Menus were written, but I had no idea how to start costing without accurate wholesale pricelists. My brain was telling me,  "No, you HAVE to finish this! You can't DO anything else until you get this DONE." So I fixated. And I wasted valuable time. I let myself get 2 1/2 weeks behind before I even looked at my plan materials again and came across my checklist.  Right then, looking at is with fresh eyes, I realized- I can (and have) asked some of my restaurant management friends for price lists. And while I wait for them to deliver? I can do other things.

Especially since the rest of the list is freaking easy in comparison.  All of the financials are easily the most important part,  but it's all a matter of collecting data and filling in appropriate tables. The rest is as simple as writing an operations manual, training timelines, quick analysis blurbs- all of which I have been doing in my off time at home. There was never any reason for me to save it all for one day a week. I should never have let the menu become as much of a hassle as it did. Thankfully, I am back on track.  Possibly even ahead of schedule!  Very excited for January, when I start doing the fun stuff for it!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Ho ho hell yeah holiday!

I can't remember the last time I was so excited for the holidays. After 5 years of living in Atlanta,  my family is spending Christmas her! With me! I've been north once for Christmas,  but I have never had the opportunity to see all of the people I love here at one time. I am so happy I'm not only getting a real Christmas tree, but I'm actually deep cleaning my house. :D And frankly,  that has been needed since I moved into the damn place. My family was good enough to get a hotel room, but there is no freaking way I'm making my nephew open gifts in his hotel room. I can't wait!
Even better, they're going to be in town long enough for me to take them to Proof & Provision,  my favorite bar ever. Ironically,  in the past week I have managed to meet more employees from there and the Georgian Terrace Hotel in general,  so not only will this holiday season be fantastic,  but my birthday in March? Going to be goddamn epic. So excited. Even better? J's coming to visit this evening.  I am damn near retarded I am so happy.

Friday, December 6, 2013


Well, after a harrowing two weeks of intensive,  mind-straining study, I have passed my final exams for service at the wine bar!  Of course, I managed to do better at the alcohol portion of the damn test, but were I to repeat it,  I'm sure I'd be equally better at both! Awfully hard to concentrate when I'm distracted by kitchen chatter. Nonetheless!  I can now dedicate my free time to my German studies and my business plan. I'm falling behind little by little onthe plan, and I am not happy about that,

On the bright side,  my older brother reminded me of family connections that could get me in touch with the extended family we still have in Germany.  Somehow, I had utterly forgotten about them, even though it was they who got me started on this crusade to an extent in the first place. So, I shot them a message earlier today/yesterday, hopefully they will get back to me soon.

I am finding it a bit silly how things are coming together lately. I am the eternal optimist, but I have had so much awful luck (both self-imposed and random) over the past few years,  it's hard to come to terms with it. I keep expecting the rug to get yanked out from under me!  I guess keeping me on my toes is what is keeping me successful at this rate. So we'll tread on! And kick  ass! Jahwohl!