Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wahoo! WaHo!

My wallet may be in danger. As well as my arteries.

This new job of mine is creating some crazy changes in my life. It's a 9-5 job, for starters.  The kicker? Nine at night until five in the morning. Sleeping in until 3pm is no longer a luxury,  but necessary,  and I love it. These hours actually allow me to spend time with my dogs and friends, something I have been sorely lacking in the past 6 months. The downside? Work is within 2 minutes of my favorite place to eat, Proof & Provision; next to an Arby's,  and a half a block from a Waffle House- two other restaurants I will go to town at. If I have any weakness, it is food. So having these options so excruciatingly close? It is going to take everything in me to exercise control. Especially as I have already been to the fast food joints a few times in the past week, and P&P once as well... and am intending on going back there tonight (J is coming tonight, I have a good reason GODDAMMIT DON'T JUDGE ME!!!).
If I haven't mentioned it before, P&P is everything I could ever want from a restaurant- great food, incredible cocktails, warm staff, cozy atmosphere, and a flow of clientele that doesn't get crazy-busy until I get to work anyway. I adore it, love it, and cannot recommend it enough. Getting to go back after months of going without was the best treat I could give myself! Nate Shuman,  one of the South's best bartenders and mixologist extraordinaire was there- he has taken care of me since the first time I ever stepped foot in P&P, and getting to catch up with him was a lot of fun. Everyone needs to find a bar like this for themselves... but if you're in the metro Atlanta area,  I guess I can share mine...

Proof & Provision
Open Tuesdays through Saturdays
Dinner Only
(404) 897-1991

Returning to an earlier point, J is coming tonight!!!!!

Through a stroke of serendipity last week, he and I got to spend a day in New York City together (story for another day), and it had been about a month prior to that that I had seen him before,  so I'm feeling pretty spoiled right now, haha! I get the feeling it's going to be a good visit this time, too. I mean, it's usually a good one, but we were talking on the phone the other night and he made a few comments that gave me the idea that this relationship is progressing in a positive way.  Cannot WAIT to see him!!! <3

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cue the Elton John, the Bitch is Back!

WHAT a crazy few months! Did NOT mean to be disconnected for as long as I was.

For starters, my employment situation has changed drastically.  I am now once again back to one solo job, that I have been adoring so far. I am now a bar/event manager at a local 18+ nightclub, so far that means I watch college kids hump and "twerk" for a decent salary.  It's like watching my own personal episode of COPS every night.

Also, J and I have been progressing in a positive way! We are about to hit  the 10 month mark, and it looks as if we may be having another "define the relationship" talk soon- the good kind!

Otherwise,  I discovered that I had been a hermit for far too long, so I have been getting out more and spending time with my friends and favorite bartenders. All in all, good things! Current goals are simply to get out of debt and keep J and I's relationship going strong. I have a lot of cool career stuff that will be coming up soon to focus and blog on, so that should be fun for everyone to peek in on! Much love, guys, and thanks for coming back!

Return of the Andi

I have connectivity again! More news coming soon!